Solid Waste Committee

The Solid Waste Committee was created to explore options for Town Trash Collection. This committee consists of 5 members and 2 alternates. Currently, the town has a contract for curbside pick-up of household trash that includes single-sort recycling, this contract expires 6/30/24. The cost of providing this service is increasing and the Durham Selectboard would like this committee to explore and or research other available options and present these options at a regular Selectboard Meeting in January 2024.


Tasks of this committee will include:solid waste committee
  • Alternatives to curbside collections (transfer station?)
  • Exploring "green" technology/Eco-Maine
  • Drafting a Solid Waste Ordinance

Solid Waste Committee Members
Curtis Dimock, Chair
Juliet Caplinger, Vice-Chair
Jill Schofield, Secretary
Claire Ross 
Milton Simon


The Board is currently seeking two (2) alternate members. If interested, please fill out an appointment application today!