Appointment and Composition of the Appeals Board

  1. The municipal officers shall appoint members of the Board of Appeals in accordance with the requirements of Title 30-A MRSA Section 2691.
  2. The Board shall consist of 5 members serving staggered terms of 5 years, appointed by the Board of Selectmen.  The Board of Selectmen shall appoint two associate members to serve in the absence of regular members.  The Chairman of the Board of Appeals shall designate which associate member shall serve in the stead of the absent member.
  3. When there is a permanent vacancy of a full or associate member, the Secretary of the Board of Appeals shall immediately notify the Town Clerk. The municipal officers shall within 60 days appoint a person to fill the unexpired term.
  4. The Board shall elect annually a chairman and secretary from its membership. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Board shall elect an Acting Chairperson as necessary.
  5. The Chairperson shall perform all the duties required by law, this Ordinance, or rules adopted by the Board. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Board and rule on issues of evidence, order, and procedure, and shall take such other actions as are necessary for the efficient and orderly conduct of hearings, unless directed otherwise by a majority of the Board. The Chairperson shall appoint any committee found necessary to carry out the business of the Board.
  6. The Secretary, subject to the direction of the Board and the Chairperson, shall keep minutes of all Board proceedings, showing the vote of each question. The Secretary shall also arrange proper and legal notice of hearings, attend to correspondence of the Board, and to other duties as are normally carried out by a Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a record of all resolutions, transactions, correspondence, findings and determination of the Board, and shall prepare a complete record of each hearing including: dates(s), time(s), place(s)of the hearing(s); subject of the hearing; identification of each participant; any agreements made between parties and the Board regarding procedures; the testimony presented; findings of fact and conclusion; the decisions of the Board; and the date of issuance of the decision. All records are public and may be inspected at reasonable times.
  7. The Acting Chairperson shall serve in the absence of the Chairperson and shall have all the powers of the Chairperson during the Chairperson’s absence, disability, or disqualification.